Red Sauce Pasta Recipe | How to Make Red Sauce Pasta Recipe

Complete information about Red Sauce Pasta Recipe | Learn to make Red Sauce Pasta Recipe at Home | Indian Pasta Recipes

Pasta is a very tasty and delicious food which is famous all over India. Although it is an Italian dish, its popularity is no less in India also. Making pasta is very easy. It can be made in many ways. Nowadays pasta is made in Indian style. If we want, we can make it more attractive by adding color to it. We all know that fast food is in trend these days. Children and adults also liked it. It is also very easy to make. It gets ready in a very short time. (Red Sauce Pasta Recipe)

Red sauce pasta is very creamy and delicious. The sauce present in it makes its taste even more delicious, which is enjoyed by everyone. Whichever restaurant you go to, you will definitely find this dish. The number of people who eat it is very high. If your kids are hungry in the evening and in the mood to eat something delicious then red sauce pasta is the best option. It is very easy to prepare. You can also eat red sauce pasta with tomato sauce or any other sauce. This is everyone’s favourite.

What does red sauce pasta taste like?

The taste of red sauce pasta is tangy and spicy. The red chutney and other ingredients added to it make its taste even more delicious, which everyone eats with gusto. If you want, you can also eat it by adding tomato chutney to it separately.

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How popular is red sauce pasta?

Red sauce pasta is a famous Italian dish. Its trend is no less in our country also. All children are crazy about this delicious pasta. Or we can say that this pasta has become his favorite dish.

What is special about red sauce pasta?

A special thing about red sauce pasta is that other ingredients are also added to it along with the sauce, due to which it tastes delicious and is liked by everyone. The delicious taste of red sauce pasta makes everyone happy. It is very easy to prepare. An easy way to make everyone happy, be it children or adults, is to make red sauce pasta and feed them.

All the ingredients to make it are easily available at home. You can make this in no time. Today we have brought an easy recipe for you which will help you in making red sauce pasta. Follow the recipe below and impress everyone by making deliciously delicious red sauce pasta.

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Time to make Red Sauce Pasta:

It takes 15 minutes to prepare the ingredients for Red Sauce Pasta Recipe. Once ready, this recipe takes 30 minutes to prepare and the total cooking time is 45 minutes. When prepared with the method given below, this dish is sufficient for 3-4 members.

Red Sauce Pasta Recipe | How to Make Red Sauce Pasta Recipe


  • 2 cups pasta
  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 capsicum
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon ginger paste
  • 2 spoons cheese
  • 2 teaspoon oil
  • salt to taste

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How to make red sauce pasta:

  • To make red sauce pasta, first take water in a vessel and boil it. Add some salt and oil to water and mix it. When the water boils, add the pasta and mix.
  • Keep stirring the pasta until it is cooked well. Within some time your pasta will be cooked and become soft. Switch off the flame, now strain the pasta through a sieve.
  • – Now put water in a vessel and keep it on gas. – Now take tomatoes and put them in boiling water. After some time the tomatoes will start becoming soft. Switch off the flame and take out the tomatoes, peel them and put them in the mixer and grind them well.
  • – Now to make red sauce, heat oil in a pan. – Add ginger paste and capsicum to it and fry on low flame. – Now add tomato paste to it and fry it on low flame. – Add salt to it and let it cook for some time.
  • – Add tomato sauce to this mixture and mix well. – Now add boiled pasta to this red sauce and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Your delicious red sauce pasta is ready in no time, take it out in a plate and serve it to everyone.

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